Monday, June 27, 2011

#24 Throne Room!!!

That's right.  One of the things I'm MOST excited about is what I refer to as my husband's "Throne Room".  He can retire to little potty closet in the master bath any time he wants and it will NOT disturb anything I have to do!  =)  (ok...and visa versa.  lol)

I just LOVE the fact the toilet has it's very own space and door!  YAY!!!!   No more waiting to use the shower or the sink!  God bless the wonderful individual who came up with the "Throne Room" idea!!


  1. LOL...never thought of it that way...I was thrilled to have separate vanities...we won't have to wait for each other to clear out.

  2. LOL Thanks BD. I thought it was neat to call it the Throne Room. lol Seperate vanities are nice too
