Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's over: Our 10 month

Well, that was fun!  lol

Our ten month inspection notice came a few weeks ago.  They gave us 2 weeks to write down everything we needed addressed and get it back to them.  They called within a week to review it and set up a date to come out.  That day was today, 9 a.m.

Everyone was extremely punctual.  =)  Several contractors came out, and a Ryan Rep.  The Ryan Rep was not the same as the sales rep.  In this case, her job was to review each item on the punch list, see the problems, and then oversee the contractors and their work.  No one rang the bell until the Rep was ready.  =)  No contractor left this house without their work first being okay-ed by the Rep, and then by us.  Pretty awesome!

Everyone was extremely friendly.  And they were here maybe 2 hours to get all the work done.  It was a very good experience.  =)  I'm glad it's all done now.  Almost time for drywall!  (which by the way is NOT part of the 10 month but a separate issue all together)


  1. Glad to hear it all went well!

  2. Your blog has been really helpful. My husband and I just signed for a Ryan house in the Indian Land, SC subdivision of Rosemont, and it's nice to see fellow Charlotte Ryan bloggers out there.

  3. I’m glad all is going well and that you are not having problems with your contractor, especially with the developments. A good relationship with the people you’re working with contributes a lot to the success of the project. It is also important that the project is always kept on schedule. You seem very satisfied of the service, by the way.

    Alejandra Hutchcraft
